Your 100% relevant answers

Empower and engage your customers

The vast majority of consumers read company responses to customer reviews to form a more objective view. By responding effectively and easily to all your customer feedback, whether positive or negative, you give an image of a company that listens,you establish a a relationship of trust with your customers and your future customers. Consequently, you contribute to improving your natural referencing. Thechallenge is, therefore, to be able to respond in a relevant and individualized way to each opinion without it being too time-consuming..

UpMyShop!, une plateforme d'avis client qui permet de valoriser, répondre et engager vos clients.

With UpMyShop!

You can respond very easily and quickly to customer reviews.The artificial intelligence engine allows you automated or semi-automated processing of reviews, with easier response management. You thus nourish your customer relationship and encourage your customers to contribute positively to your e-reputation.

The UpMyShop platform! has been designed to enable brands to respond effectively to reviews, whether centrally or locally: automated responses, library of language elements, automatic dispatch of reviews, etc.

Répondre à un avis Google, UpMyShop! ou sur votre site internet. La plateforme permet de centraliser les avis clients et de pouvoir y répondre grâce à une bibliothèque de mots personnalisés.

Do you respond to all your customer reviews?

  • Automate responses to reviews and offer varied responses
  • Treat your promoters specifically on the one hand and your detractors on the other
  • View at a glance the reviews received, their status, and the associated responses
Notification UpMyShop! qui permet de pouvoir être alerté lorsque une personne a mis un mot interdit, grossiers, insultes, dans un avis.

Receive notifications for important feedback

  • In order to allow you to manually process important notices according to your criteria (rating, defamatory content, product or service alerts, etc.), receive a notification in real time
  • Find all the opinions in a central point and prioritized by importance and themes